It’s very easy to be consumed by the news at the moment, but listening to music is a great distraction and wonderful for your wellbeing.

Here at NGHS the school is always awash with music echoing around the corridors and classrooms. We LOVE it and we’re very good at it. Our team of staff in the Music Department and out peripatetic teachers are dedicated to providing the most fantastic music education and extracurricular provision. The girls seize on these wonderful opportunities and the results are incredible.

We were so proud to have been shortlisted in the Outstanding School Music Department category of the Music and Drama Education Awards this year. Mr Rolfe, Mrs Sail and Mrs Fowler went along to the glittering awards ceremony in London, and while we didn’t win, we know it was a brilliant achievement to even get this far.  So, well done everybody.

There have been some amazing shows and concerts during the spring term, and Mr Rolfe has compiled them into the latest edition of Tuning Up for us all to enjoy. This also includes some of the rehearsals for up and coming things which have had to be postponed but which are well worth waiting for in the future. Take a look/listen:

There will be a lot more music from NGHS as our girls and staff are using their time at home not only to practise, but to learn new things. It was great to see so many people leaving school with a borrowed musical instrument in their hands ready to take on a new challenge.

So please make time for music during the forthcoming weeks.
Stay positive, stay home and stay well.