During these most difficult and unprecedented of times, it is hugely important to maintain our health and wellbeing, and that of everybody else by heeding advice – staying at home unless absolutely necessary and observing social distancing at all times. The NGHS community prides itself on coming together and supporting one another.



Our girls are naturally concerned about the current situation, but not deterred. This blog post is an email by one of our Year 12 Wellbeing Prefects to her fellow pupils with some sound and mature advice, and is just one of the amazing examples of NGHS girls taking the initiative.

I’m Eva, I’m currently in Year 12 and I (along with Saujanya) am a Wellbeing Prefect for the 2020/21 academic year. At the moment that means being aware of how self-isolating due to coronavirus can impact your mental and physical wellbeing as well as just making you generally bored. I have created a list of suggestions and things you can/should do to make this period better for everyone involved.

I am aware that this is a fairly long message but please read through it all as it contains some very important information.

Being with your family for so long can create tension and it’s important to have space to yourself. On a positive note, you’re being given something that your parents weren’t, an extended period of time where you can focus on yourself, learn a new skill or get better at something you already do. While it will be tempting to stay online it’s important to monitor your screen time, stay active and add some variety to your day.

In the event of isolation, I will be sending out an email every morning with three things to focus on, do or discuss. These could be exercise videos, articles or simply ringing your grandparents. While these tasks won’t be compulsory, it would be nice if you could try to at least tick off two of the tasks to spice up your day!

I will also be updating the prefect Instagram with different articles, posts and ways to keep you updated as well as hosting some Instagram lives and big face time sessions. Please email me with any suggestions of things that you’re doing to stay entertained or if you have any questions.

These are some links specifically to do with wellbeing. But there are more online too:

Keeping in Touch
It’s very important to keep in contact with your friends and family at the moment, however you do need to be aware that you need to limit all human contact
• Facetime
• WhatsApp
• Instagram
• Google Meets
• Make sure you have your friends phone numbers so you can ring them
• Keep in touch with older relatives as they will be struggling too (maybe teach them how to use FaceTime to reduce the chance of them getting ill)
• Make a music playlist with your friends (something to keep you connected)
• Watch a TV series/ film with your friends while on FaceTime
• The link below is showing you how to use Netflix party, this allows you to watch a film and text with your friends at the same time
• Arrange a time when you can call someone so that they’re not busy

Exercise and staying healthy
• Eating well (keep on top of your five-a-day)
• Make sure to stay hydrated
• Keep exercising
• Make sure to go on walks
• Get out of the house daily
• Open the windows and get fresh air
• Make sure you stretch
• Follow exercise videos
• Try meditation
• Look at the positive project

School work
• Keep on top of all school work
• Only do the required amount of work (make sure you keep to school lesson times)
• Don’t feel pressured to work 24/7
• Tidy your bedroom – make sure the environment you’re in is clean

Keeping a Routine
• It’s important to keep your day structured (in the same way you would for school)
• Stick to the school timetable
• Make sure you’re keeping your sleep regular (get up before 8am and in bed for a reasonable time – be sensible)
• When you wake up, have a shower, get dressed and make breakfast rather than staying in pyjamas and not eating till 11, this will wake you up and help start your day

Keeping busy
• Learn a new skill (perhaps with friends)
• Go on Duolingo
• Learn how to knit
• Play competitive online games with your friends
• Look on the news, read articles and listen to podcasts about things unrelated to the coronavirus
• Do a jigsaw
• Play games (online/ cards etc.)
• Read a book (even if it’s a chick flick or an easy read)
• Start a project (create a piece of art, write something)
• Play an instrument
• Buy a pack of seeds and plant something
• Take a virtual tour (I’ve included a link but there are others too)

Your community
• Make sure your neighbours (especially the elderly) are OK and if you can, help them out (I’ve included a postcard you can send round)










• The image above is a postcard which you can post round your local area to offer help to your neighbours
• Random acts of kindness, help try and cheer everyone up

Y10 +

• I’m in the process of looking for more sites like this but VICE has created a “Corona Film Club” where you watch a new film every week, write a review or any comments and then read an article from some of the reviews later that week. https://www.vice.com/en_uk/article/m7qkyn/welcome-to-vices-corona-film-club
This is the link for the site, if anyone finds anything similar that gives you a sense of community please email back as this isn’t good for all ages (this weeks film is a 15)

• Ivy League in America – free Ivy League courses

All the best
Eva and Saujanya
Year 12