Site Accessibility
The site meets the Double-A standard of the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0, with the content and styling passing W3C validity checks.
The site provides both a “graphical” and “text-only” version of the site, with the text-only version being more appropriate for people using assistive technologies wishing to have greater control over the site style, and for smaller handheld devices where a simpler layout is easier to use.
Useful References
The BBC site “My Web, My Way” (opens in new window) provides tools and understanding to enable you to make the most of the world-wide web whatever your ability or disability. We recommend referring to this site as it explains the many ways you can change your browser, computer, keyboard and mouse settings to make the web more accessible to you.
If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the accessibility of this site, or if you experience difficulty using any part of it, please contact us.
Links to external sites open in a new window. Links to documents that are in a supplementary format, such as PDF, open in a new window. All other links internal to the site open in the same window