Contact us
Key contacts at NGHS
- Head: Julie Keller
- Deputy Head (Academic): Rebecca Halse
- Deputy Head (Pastoral): Lindsay Wharton-Howett
- Head of Nursery, Infant and Junior School: Laura Fowler
- Head of Sixth Form: Maddy Sommers
- Chair of the School Governing Body: Emma Wilson
Contact details:
- General enquiries: enquiries@not.gdst.net
- Nursery, Infant and Junior school enquiries: juniorenquiries@not.gdst.net
- Admissions enquiries: admissions@not.gdst.net
- Telephone: 0115 941 7663
- To contact Chair of the School Governing Body, contact the GDST at 10, Bressenden Place, London, SW1E 5DH
Key contacts at the GDST
- GDST Chair of Trustees: Vicky Tuck
- Address: GDST, 10 Bressenden Place, London SW1E 5DH
- Telephone: 020 7393 6666
- Website: https://www.gdst.net
- Alumnae Network: https://www.gdst.net/alumnae
Other contacts
- Independent Schools Council Information Service: https://www.isc.co.uk
- Girls’ Schools Association: https://gsa.uk.com