Term Dates and FAQs
We want your journey to NGHS to be as simple and straightforward as possible
Hopefully you’ve found everything you were looking for, but if not, here are some answers to some of those questions you might be asking yourself. Or maybe you’d just like some more information. Give us a call at our Admissions Office on 0115 935 4444 and we’ll do everything we can to help.
Term Dates
School meals
Do you cater for allergies and dietary requirements?
Yes. We operate a ‘no nut’ policy, avoid the use of artificial colours and preservatives wherever possible, and are happy to accommodate for special diets such as vegetarian, vegan, religious requirements, coeliac/gluten free and food allergies. Our Catering Manager, Steve Evans, is happy to discuss any special dietary requirements. Please feel free to contact him on 0115 941 7663 or email: s.evans@not.gdst.net
How do I pay for school meals?
For Infant and Junior School girls, lunches are included in the fees. For girls in the Senior School and Sixth Form, both the Dining Hall and Tuck Shop operate on a cashless PIN system. Your daughter will have her photograph taken and be provided with her own unique PIN on her first day of school. At the point of sale, she will input the number and, as an added security measure, her photograph will appear on the till. The price of her purchases will then be deducted from her ParentPay account. Details of all her transactions can be provided on request.
Are meals cooked fresh each day?
Yes they are. We offer plenty of choice, with menus changing every three weeks. Our dishes are high in fibre, low in salt and saturated fat, and always baked rather than fried. Fresh vegetables are part of every main meal and fresh fruit is always available.
Lunchtime choices include a traditional meal, a vegetarian dish, jacket potatoes, a salad bar and pasta, with a pudding, fresh fruit and yoghurt always available for dessert.
Where do you source your ingredients?
We always use high-quality ingredients, and local produce where we can, with all our suppliers approved by Red Tractor Food Standards or British Retail Consortium (BRC) Global Standards.
Is religious dress permitted in the school uniform?
Girls may wear special forms of dress or religious symbols where these are an essential part of their religious or cultural background and do not compromise health and safety.
We would ask that any items of religiously symbolic jewellery be worn discreetly and be covered with a sweatband during PE lessons.
If girls wish to wear the hijab we ask that it be either plain black or navy.
If girls wish to wear additional or alternative clothing for swimming, they are free to do so as long as it does not compromise health and safety.
Where can I purchase the school uniform?
All school uniform should be purchased from our online supplier, Stevensons with the exception of certain generic items which can be purchased from any shop. Our Sixth Form girls don’t have to wear uniform but have a smart dress code to adhere to.
A full list of the school uniform required can be found here:
Nursery Infant and Junior School
Senior School
Sixth Form Dress Code
Clubs and extracurricular activities
What type of school clubs do you run?
We have a huge and diverse array of clubs on offer across the whole school at lunchtimes and after school too. There really is something for everybody. Have a look at our list of enrichment opportunities:
Is there a school bus that can take my daughter to and from school?
Yes, there is a network of school buses to and from a wide range of areas across Nottinghamshire and neighbouring counties.
Older girls can enjoy the full range of local city and county bus routes. We also have our own stop on the tramline, providing a quick link to the city centre and the train station.
What are the timings of the school day – Nursery, Infant and Junior School.
The school is open from 8.00am and pupils must be in school for registration by 8.30am. The school day finishes at 3.40pm. Breakfast and After School Clubs are available for our Nursery, Infant and Junior School pupils by booking in advance. Please contact Lesley Sail on 0115 935 4450.
What are the timings of the school day – Senior School and Sixth Form.
The school is open from 8.00am and pupils must be in school for registration by 8.35am. The school day finishes at 3.45pm. For pupils who wish to stay in school after lessons finish, our Senior School Library is supervised until 6.00pm Monday to Thursday and 5.00pm on Fridays.
Fees, application and assessment
How much are the school fees?
Details of our school fees and how to pay them can be found on here.
Can I apply for financial assistance?
There are a number of Bursaries and Scholarships available and details of these can be found here.
Application for financial assistance is now done online as part of the overall application process. Complete an application form to register your daughter for admission, indicating that you would like to apply for financial assistance. An email address is required. The school will then provide you with logon details to enable you to access the online Financial Assistance form. You will need to provide proof of income and assets. We cannot guarantee however, that everybody who applies for financial help will be eligible to receive it.
- I’d like to apply – what next?
Is there an exam/registration fee?
A charge of £50 is made to register for the entrance exam. There is a deposit payable on acceptance of a place. This is £500 or £1000 for British nationals overseas.
What does the entrance assessment include?
The Senior School entrance assessment is designed to ascertain girls’ natural aptitude for learning.Your daughter will sit tests in English and Maths, as well as an online cognitive assessment. The results are considered alongside references from her current school before offers are made. However, we accept applications at any point in the year, and can be flexible with arranging assessments for those who apply after this date.
The Infant and Junior School assessments are currently taking place online, where a member of staff will meet with your daughter via Google Meet or Zoom and we will invite girls to take part in exercises across a small range of subjects to assess her attitude towards learning and her level of attainment.
Sixth Form applicants attend an interview with the Head of Sixth Form and require an average of Grade 6 across their GCSEs including English and Maths, and a Grade 7 in some chosen A Level subjects.
My daughter is at a state school – I’m worried she won’t have covered the right topics. Should I get extra tuition for my daughter in preparation for the exam? Are past exam papers available?
The entrance assessment is designed to test potential and understanding, not particular areas of knowledge. The tests will be broadly based on the work your daughter will have been doing in preparation for her Year 6 Key Stage 2 SATs. We are not looking for girls who have been tutored to pass exams and so do not provide past papers or encourage extra tuition.
Have we missed anything?
If there’s anything additional you’d like to ask us, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our Admissions Team on 0115 935 4444.