It is no surprise having been Top in her class for Biology that Hava has achieved top marks in her A-Level Biology, Chemistry and Politics, and is now looking forward to studying Medicine at the prestigious Hull York Medical School. Hava complemented her studies by also taking on an Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) in the History of Phantom Limb Pain Disorders showing communication well advanced for her age and gaining a well deserved A*. 

Her interest in STEM subjects has been obvious throughout school, where she has shown huge determination and flexibility to study Medicine. She has regularly attended Anatomy and Dissection clubs as part of our wide ranging enrichment programme and was Highly Commended in the Biology Challenge 2021 by the Royal Society of Biology. She was also a Biology Subject Scholar. 


In order to gain further insight into the medical field, Hava gained physical healthcare experience working at a community Pharmacy, shadowing doctors and nurses in a hospital and gaining 10 hours experience observing a GP and maternity care in the community. 

Showing her compassion and empathy for others, Hava also volunteered in the Junior school for several months, taking part in our Big Sister, Little Sister mentoring programme. As the recipient of a bursary award, Hava has delighted all of us at NGHS in her outstanding achievements. She’ll be a huge asset to the field of medicine. Well done Hava and congratulations!