Girls from Year 10 and above have taken part in the BIMA Digital Day 2017 run by Nottingham digital marketing agency ‘Impression’ here at school.

The day is a free initiative for both schools and agencies and involved digital professionals going back to school for a day to inspire girls from 13 – 16 years of age, and tell them about the vast array of career opportunities available in the digital field, offering practical advice on how to get into such work.

We were thrilled to welcome George and Chloe to talk to our girls. Chloe, CSR Manager and Senior SEO Executive at Impression said: “We are always looking for new opportunities to work with local schools in the area, to show young people the advantages of working in digital marketing. Digital Day provides a great opportunity to do just that!”

After listening to the inspiring talk, girls went on to compete in groups of 3 -5 in a choice of three tasks which included creating a digital device to make life at school easier, something for a pet and a digital product that you can wear!  The winners of the school competition would be put forward into a nationwide competition to be judged by BIMA to crown the Digital Day Champions of 2017.

The girls enjoyed their day and were very interested in hearing about digital careers, and submitted some very clever competition entries, as Chloe commented: “The ideas that the girls came up with on the day and the pitches that they presented were of an incredibly high standard and we were really impressed.”

Overall winners were Team Watchdog whose digital invention was designed to monitor all aspects of keeping a pet dog, from its nutritional needs to its exercise regime.

Our school is at the forefront of digital education with its provision of iPads for every girl in the Senior School and widely used across the Junior School, as well as supplying an array of digital equipment such as cameras, microscopes, and laptops. Our Head, Julie Keller, said: “This was a great opportunity for our girls to find out just what an exciting career path can be available to them in the digital world. We pride ourselves on being an innovative school and making sure that our girls are right up there when it comes to current digital trends.”