Continuing the NGHS tradition of spring term Careers Evenings, the Careers Department organised six fantastic speakers to talk to girls and parents about their experiences in music, media, advertising and the performing arts.

2001 alumna Jane Love
2009 alumna Olivia Lowden

Over 100 girls and parents heard from NGHS 2001 alumna Jane Love who, as a senior copywriter now working for Slimming World, simply uses words to influence and persuade; crafting copy that draws people to the brand. Olivia Lowden, a more recent alumna of 2009, talked us through her exciting journey after leaving NGHS to her current role as brand manager with the Nottingham office of digital marketing agency ‘Clicky Media’

From the Nottingham Playhouse, Theatre Director Alex Moxon and Arts Administrator Laura Rutty gave their audience an invaluable overview of backstage careers in theatre, both in production and the more technical and creative roles. They explained the possible routes into these jobs and explained how they personally got a foothold in an industry they clearly love.

Jane Love, Olivia Lowden, Dean Jackson, Anywn Williams, Laura Rutty, Alex Moxon

Passionate about the music industry and on a mission to find emerging talent, Dean Jackson presenter of BBC Radio Nottingham’s ‘The Beat’ shared his wisdom about how to get into one of the worlds most famous broadcasting organisations. He also told us about the odd star he’s interviewed along the way; Ed Sheeran, Robbie Williams and Louis Tomlinson to name just a few.

On a similar note, Marketing Manager Anwyn Williams took us through the rewards and challenges of her career since leaving NGHS. Anwyn works for DHP Family who operate music venues such as Rock City, the Bodega and organise festivals including Splendour and Dot to Dot.

All of our amazing speakers were passionate about what they do and left their audience in no doubt that beyond academic qualifications, what is needed to succeed in these competitive sectors is loads of determination, commitment and resilience. Do what you love, go for what you want and take the knocks along the way – sentiments echoed wholeheartedly by the school.