We welcomed one of our NGHS alumnae – Zoe Crowther (2015 leaver) back to school. She came to give a careers talk focused on getting into journalism. Zoe is currently a Journalist and Editorial Development Coordinator for News Associates which is part of the UK’s top journalism schools. Girls from Year 9, 12 and 13 attended her talk today.

Zoe gave us an overview of her own personal career journey which included an Undergraduate Degree in History at Newcastle University, followed by a Masters Degree in History at the University of Bristol.

She discussed with the girls the skills needed to be a journalist and told them about her current role at News Associates and what this entails, including reporting the news, delivering workshops, marketing and admissions for the journalism courses they offer.



Zoe discussed the subject of A-level options – she herself chose History, Maths and Economics. But she stressed that all subjects taken at school can be relevant to journalism so you don’t need to study specific subjects but instead choose the ones that you enjoy as you will be able to specialise in your chosen area of journalism. She also highlighted the changes in the industry with younger audiences now accessing news via social media platforms.

The girls were really engaged and interested and provided with resources to research the career further. They were also informed about opportunities with the School of Journalism with which they could get involved in order to enhance their experience.

We’re always delighted to have our alumnae visit us to inspire our girls as they begin to think about the future and their career options. They really are the best role models.