The empowerment of our girls to effect change in the world is at the centre of our Infant and Junior School curriculum, applying what they learn in a practical sense and believing that they can make a real and tangible difference.

We are therefore delighted to confirm that every class from Year 1 to Year 6 will be involved in hands-on charitable or community activities this year, and here’s a flavour of what’s to come:

In Years 1 and 2, girls will be collecting good quality used toys and books to donate to Oxfam. This will
build on their ‘Terrific Toys’ and ‘Children of Turi’ topics, as well as linking with our school value of EMPATHY and what they learn in PSHCE lessons about making a positive difference to society beyond our locality.

Year 3 are our ‘Nottingham City Clean Champions’, improving our local environment through litter picking and considering what can and cannot be recycled. As part of our commitment to Fundamental
British Values, the girls will be able to see first-hand how they can contribute positively to the lives of
those living and working near our school.

Girls from Year 4 will take a lead in this year’s Poppy Appeal, to link with the Remembrance theme of
their current class text, ‘Secrets of a Sun King’. They will also continue to raise funds for Guide Dogs for
the Blind, helping them to further develop their understanding of disability.

Year 5 will plant and nurture ninety Woodland Trust British hedgerow saplings within the school
grounds, and will investigate the feasibility of establishing a compost heap or wormery. This, along with
the planting of spring and summer flowering bulbs, will link to their 2020 Life Cycles science topic.

In Religious Education, Year 6 will soon be learning about the charitable and outreach work of The Salvation Army. Linked to this, they will implement a Junior School ‘Recycle with Michael’ clothing and footwear recycling scheme, and will be involved in the promotion of the Years 4 – 6 Salvation Army concert which will take place on 9 December.

We look forward to sharing more news of their positive impact on a regular basis.