During 2018 our school parent community came up with a variety of ways to fundraise for the NGHS Special Projects fund.

We are delighted that as a result of this, we were able to buy a parachute canopy and build a mud kitchen for Upnah Wood. Miss Lynn was thrilled, and said:

“Thank you so much for your generous donation which has enabled us to buy a parachute canopy and a mud kitchen for our on-site woods. If only I could have bottled up the girls reaction when they saw the parachute canopy, it was incredible! The mud kitchen continues to provide hours of fun and has been re-named ‘Harry Potter Pizza Factory’ by the girls. They simply love it – so much so that I am using some more of the money from your kind donation to extend the mud kitchen for more girls to enjoy. I would like to say a personal huge thank you for raising this money to enrich the girls’ education, it has had an incredibly positive impact. Thank you so much.”

The money was raised through a number of initiatives led by our parent community including using ‘easyfundraising’, a website for online shopping from which the school receives a donation for each purchase made, at no cost to the buyer. So far we have raised nearly £350 via our community using easyfundraising. You can find out more here: https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/nottinghamgirlshs/

We have had great success with the Facebook NGHS Parent carer uniform site and from uniform donations we have raised £395 through Virgin Money Giving. The Northbrook wrapping paper initiative has also contributed to the fundraising accomplishments led by our parents at school.

We are delighted with the additions we have been able to make to our school facilities through our fundraising, including a brand new canopy which is currently being installed in the Junior School playground thanks to the Year 6 class of 2018 who raised funds as part of their leavers’ legacy in the Junior School.

We have also been able to purchase a Grand Piano located in the Senior School Hall, and a rowing boat and new oars for the NGHS Rowing Club thanks to generous contributions from our parents and our alumnae.

Of course, we’re always happy and grateful to receive donations of any size for our various projects, and leaves on our Donor Tree can still be purchased as a lasting legacy of your support. Take a look at our Fundraising and Gift Giving page on the website for more details of all of our current projects and how you can help if you’d like to do so.