Year 11 have risen brilliantly to the challenges of a couple of difficult years and emerged with GCSE results to be proud of.

This year we celebrate their success with 29% of the results achieved at Grade 9, 54% at Grades 9 – 8 and 75% at Grades 9 – 7. We’re so proud of all of them for their hard work and resilience during the past year as school life finally settled back into normality and examinations took place as they used to before the pandemic.

These results reflect the NGHS spirit and the ability of our students to bounce back from anything. Success across a broad range of subjects is no surprise for our diverse student community and ensures that they can proceed in whichever direction they choose, many of them remaining here at NGHS in our Sixth Form to achieve further success in their continuing studies.



Celebrating with the students today as they collected their results, Head, Julie Keller, said:

“These students have done exceptionally well given all that they’ve been through over the past couple of years. I’m so pleased and proud that they have a great set of results to show for all their hard work. They really should be proud of themselves and they have so much to look forward to now, going forward, whatever they choose to do. Well done all of you – you’re a credit to the school.”



There have been many reasons to celebrate, including the fact that 27 students achieved all Grade 9 – 7s across their subjects; that’s almost 40% of the cohort. This equates to all As and A*s in the previous grading system and is incredibly impressive. Twelve students achieved all Grade 9s and 8s, which is the equivalent of all A*s and is truly exceptional; we’re extremely pleased for them.



We’re delighted to see so many happy faces in school this morning. Students, parents and teachers all came together to enjoy wonderful celebrations. Our teachers invest so much care in each of our students, and their expertise has helped everyone achieve great things. We’re looking forward welcoming our Year 11s  back to NGHS in September for the start of their A Level courses, where they will really develop their academic skills in the subjects they’re most passionate about. They have so much to look forward to in the Sixth Form, and with the fantastic foundation that their GCSEs have provided, we know they’ll continue to achieve great things.

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