As October half-term is now upon us and we reflect on the academic year so far in this strange new world, we also reflect on our celebrations of Black History Month and some of the things we have learned.

The whole school has been involved in a variety of initiatives from fascinating assemblies, interesting lessons and educational research as part of our Discovered Figures competition. We have also taken part in meetings and seminars with our sister GDST schools, and Book Club focusing on diverse narratives with the Sixth Form girls. Our Outreach Prefects have been doing an amazing job, taking over the social media channels for the month with some inspirational messaging. It has been absolutely incredible and everyone has been so engaged.

Celebrating Black History Month

It will come as no surprise that one of the best ways in which NGHS can get messages across is through music and the arts, particularly from the Nursery, Infant and Junior School. And on the last day of the half-term, a live broadcast went out on YouTube at 6pm featuring:

  • 2 live songs by Year 4
  • A collection of compositions to film by Year 5
  • Music-Tech compositions by Year 6
  • Art and photography from across the school

We’re delighted to be able to share this with you here:

Girls in all year groups were also given a significant Black figure from society or history to research as part of our Discovered Figures competition. Their resulting findings and presentations will be judged when we are back after half-term. We can’t wait to see them and to share them with you.

And on the last day of half-term we all took part in Wear Red Day for non-uniform day to show racism the red card, and donate to the charity which works with young people and adults across the UK to challenge racism in society.

It has been an incredible month for us all as we learn together and take steps towards making real change. We’re proud of how the girls have embraced the project, really thought about all of the issues and focused on everything they have produced. Well done everybody. Let’s keep this up all year round.