Bedtime stories. Always guaranteed to spark a discussion. Fond memories of that end of the day routine. Warm, comforting and reassuring.

A recent discussion at lunchtime amongst Nottingham Girls’ High School staff in the Dining Hall prompted a fierce debate about favourite childhood reads. The literary merits of ‘Mr Tickle’, the exquisite illustrations of ‘Winnie the Pooh’, knowing ‘The Tiger who Came to Tea’ by heart. But it wasn’t just the books that people loved, it was the whole ‘bedtime story’ experience. Those last few minutes of the day spent with someone special. Encouragingly, the conversation moved on to staff recalling reading to their own children or grandchildren. “The Gruffalo,” sighed one enthusiastic teacher. “No, no, Dear Zoo,” said another. The debate went on. Someone suggested recording our own bedtime stories for our girls. An opportunity to air some classics and share some of our own favourites.

A quick email and we soon had loads of volunteers willing to read. We may not have the glamour, props and special effects of CBeebies Bedtime Stories but each one has been read with love by a member of NGHS staff.

We have been featuring one of these stories on our Facebook page every evening at 7:00pm and we started on Friday 7 June with Mr Brown reading one of his own books. This was hugely popular and very well received. Our final Facebook story is on Sunday 16 June when our Head of the Infant and Junior School, Laura Fowler, will read ‘Little Red Reading Hood’. There will be more of our NGHS Bedtime Stories on firefly available for parents to log in and watch with their children after this date.

Our whole school community, our girls and our staff, love books and reading and sharing special time. We’re really pleased with the success of our bedtime stories and who knows, there may be many more to come if the demand is there.