On Saturday 8 November 2014, we were delighted to welcome back many of our alumnae for a ‘Reunion Across the Decades’.

Our reunions are always such great events and this one was no exception. Groups of leavers from 1989, 1994 and 2009 as well as individual leavers from many years ago came along to meet up, explore their ‘old’ school and swap stories of their time here.

Over a delicious lunch and the odd glass of wine, memories were shared and friendships made or rekindled. The ‘girls’ were introduced to the Head, Mrs Gorham, who welcomed them back and told them a little about how the school has changed and all of the plans for the future.

There were photo displays from our archives and these are always popular as everybody likes to find themselves and their friends, and have a giggle at fond memories and stories.

All in all it was a wonderful day. We love to see our alumnae return to the school and we do hope that many more will do so at future events.