Inspired by International Bee Day our Key Stage 1 girls performed the ‘Bee Musical’ on stage on Thursday 25 May in front of their families, and did a wonderful job of highlighting our friends, the bees.

The musical gave an important message about the crucial work of bees and what we can do to protect them.  The children really enjoyed learning about, and sharing, their knowledge of the work these pollinators do for the planet.  They shared songs such as ‘Bee Bop’ and ‘The Nectar Team’ with fun dances and actions to bring these to life.

The girls really enjoyed performing in front of a live audience in our Squire Performing Arts Centre making use of all of the light and sound of a real, professional theatre. Take a look at our lovely photos in our gallery:


The Bee Musical

The acting skills and singing were enhanced with the help of a full technical team, giving the girls a unique experience of performing. At this age it is fabulous to have this opportunity – which all girls will remember and take forward with them. It was great to build their confidence and show them what they are capable of in a supportive environment with such incredible facilities.

We also used this opportunity to raise awareness of the work of the Wildlife Trust raising £175 in donations for this important charity.  Families of the girls then took their learning home, by receiving a gift of wildflower seeds to grow in their own gardens to invite our friends the bees.

We are looking forward to doing another production next year, building upon this year’s success!

Key Stage 1 Team.