Our Year 13 students are truly extraordinary and it was only fitting that they celebrated together before they leave school, and that we acknowledge their achievements and thank them.

We had a wonderful leavers ceremony in the Squire Performing Arts Centre, with inspirational talks from both Head Girl Khushi and our Guest Speaker Rebecca Maguire, NGHS class of 2009 and Co-founder of Wildflower Illustration Co. Thank you both for such heartfelt words, and for sharing your experience of your time at NGHS with us. 

We also had fantastic performances from our Year 13 Musicians. Jasmine and Phoebe both performed outstanding pieces, and Mediocre really started the celebrations with their performance of ‘Brazil’. A huge thank you to all of you, and not forgetting the staff choir! Who gave us an emotional rendition of ‘One Day Like This’.

The evening celebrated each and every one of our Year 13 students, as they were invited on stage by Mrs Keller. We also awarded those who had been nominated by teachers, highlighting their achievements and academic excellence in certain subjects.

The evening ended with drinks and canapés in our Performing Arts Centre and Sixth Form gardens. It was a wonderful opportunity for students and parents to socialise with each other and with teaching staff.

And the celebrations didn’t stop there! The Sixth Form ball at Colwick Hall took place the following day, and it was lovely to see so many of our Sixth Form students and staff partying the night away!

We wish all our Year 13’s Good Luck in their A Level exams, and as they embark on their next adventure.

“It’s been a privilege to not only be head girl, but a student at Nottingham Girls High School. We’ve had a brilliant start, though it’s only just the beginning.” Khushi Head Girl.