The purpose of Enterprise Day was to get the whole of Year 9 together to focus on the core skills students need for successful future careers, and also to work on their transferable skills such as teamwork, leadership and communication. During the day the time was divided between practical workshops on topics such as teamwork, creativity and marketing as well as team building tasks and working on the main challenges – to create a 3D Theme Park Model and a promotional video to showcase their theme park attractions and unique selling points.

The girls started the day with some team icebreakers including ‘Lost at Sea’ allowing them to work on their communication and teamwork skills as they were working in mixed teams.

Once they had completed their icebreakers they were introduced to the event and given a briefing on their main task, to create a 3D Theme Park Model and a Promotional Video. The video was to be two minutes in duration plus an additional minute for the teams to introduce themselves and their complete theme park model. The girls were given all of the resources and instructions about what constitutes a perfect promotional video. They worked in their teams to create a theme park name and logo and then showcased their theme park name and why they chose it, to the entire year group.



The girls also listened to talks from Miss Robinson about what creativity looks like, and how to pitch their final video to the group. We were also joined by Claire Bale (Director of Marketing at NGHS) who spoke with the girls about the importance of branding and what it means, and the girls found this really insightful.

Throughout the day the girls worked in their groups and assigned roles to each team member so that everyone had a part to play in the finished video and model, be it as an Actor, ICT Lead or Director. The finished videos were shown to the rest of the group and submitted to the judging panel which consisted of five girls from our year 12 GDST Evolve Team. You can see a compilation of thier videos here:



The standard of work was incredibly high; the girls really enjoyed the day and threw themselves into their tasks with some brilliant results. After much deliberation and collating all of the feedback from the judges, the decisions were made and the winning teams were Scream Nation for Best 3D Theme Park Model and 1D World for Best Promotional Video. Each winning team member received a £5 ASOS voucher and all participants received a certificate of attendance.