Nursery, Infant and Junior School Teachers
Expert teaching for our youngest pupils.
Our expert Nursery, Infant and Junior School Teachers
Providing our youngest pupils with the best start they could possibly have at school, our expert Nursery, Infant and Junior teachers are really something special. They are dedicated, passionate and experts in what they do. They’re also a lot of fun and our girls love and respect them. They bring out the very best of each and every one in the classroom.
Mr Peter Elkington
Deputy Head, Infant and Junior School
- BSc (Hons) PGCE MA NPQH, BSc Environmental Studies and Geography, PGCE (Primary specialism), MA Special Educational Needs, NPQH (National Professional Qualification For Headship)
- Subjects and enrichment activities: Tag Rugby, Football and Cricket. Also teaches RS to Year 8.
- Quote: “It is a pleasure and privilege to teach in such a wonderful school – a close knit community dedicated to girls’ education. At NGHS Junior School we create a nurturing environment that enables pupils to challenge themselves, follow their interests and reach their full potential. Through the delivery of a rich, bespoke and varied curriculum our pupils are inspired and motivated. From exploring in the woods in ‘Outdoor Learning’ to performing on a grand piano in our theatre there is no limit to what they can achieve. It is a truly remarkable place to learn and grow.”
Miss Debbie Baker
Academic Lead, Infant and Junior School
- BSc in Statistics, PGCE in Primary Education from Nottingham Trent University.
- Debbie brought her enthusiasm for Maths to NGHS in 2015, when she joined the SLT as KS1 Leader, and Maths subject specialist. Prior to joining NGHS, Debbie worked in state, academy and international schools before returning to Nottingham. She is now Academic Lead, working alongside the Junior SLT to raise standards and enable every pupil to reach their full potential.
Debbie Baker – Infant and Junior School from NGHS on Vimeo.
Mrs Sally Braud
Pastoral Lead, Infant and Junior School
- BA Hons French and Communications (University of Huddersfield); MA in History (University of Nottingham) and PGCE (Nottingham Trent University).
- Sally has been teaching for 20 years, most of that in Year 6! She is a member of Loughborough Carillon Hockey Club and also loves gardening and walking (especially in the Peaks). Sally’s husband is French and so they spend a lot of time in France during the holidays; she also speaks fluent French. They have two grown up children and two naughty King Charles Cavalier dogs called Dexter and Charlie.
Sally Braud. Year 6 teacher. from NGHS on Vimeo.
Mr Mark Cox
School Consultant Teacher for Curriculum
- BA Hons French, University of Exeter
- As well as being a Year 5 teacher, Mr Cox supports our Junior school curriculum innovation and development, charitable endeavours and community engagement
- Enrichment activities: Junior Chess Club
- Quote: “I am lucky to be part of a dedicated, progressive and positive team of creative practitioners who think beyond the National Curriculum and who live and breathe a girls-first approach.”