Opportunities for adventure
Beyond the classroom
From outdoor adventures to challenging leadership opportunities, our Sixth Form girls enjoy a diverse range of activities. Every one of them is designed with girls in mind, tailored to our pupils to ensure they’re rewarding and beneficial physically, mentally and socially. It’s these adventures that make memories, ignite girls’ passions and develop their confidence. It also gives our Sixth Form girls the opportunity to thrive outside of the classroom, bringing an important understanding of the world around them and a taste of the life skills they will need in the work place.
Inspiring activities for our girls
Whether as part of the curriculum or our enrichment programmes, girls can take part in a variety of outdoor activities, including D of E, outdoor exploration and scaling the heights of the climbing wall. Taking part in outdoor activities helps build character, stamina and resilience, while promoting leadership and teamwork skills which are vital to future success and help girls stand apart once they reach higher education and the work place. The Independent Schools Inspectorate notes “pupils’ firm appreciation for the non-material aspects of life, strengthened both by the curriculum and the extensive extra-curricular programme” and rates NGHS as excellent for personal development.
A multitude of challenges and competitions, internal and external are also on offer to stretch the girls further and see their efforts rewarded with prizes and accolades. Together with a myriad of charity and volunteering opportunities, giving our girls the chance to experience community life and put something back – we really have covered every angle, every life skill that our girls need to take on the world. Academic success is only part of the story.
D of E is not just a qualification, it’s taught me to work well in a team and strive to achieve my goals.

Our House system
Our House system is a big part of our Sixth Form community and allows girls the opportunity to become role models for the younger girls as they take up positions of leadership such as House Captain. This can be a lot of fun as they support and cheer on the younger girls in a whole host of House activities.
It also means that our girls are in the habit of being leaders, so they naturally put themselves forward for top positions in the future.
Being a Senior Prefect has enabled me to take more responsibility and cultivate leadership qualities.

Experiencing responsibility
There are many ways Sixth Form girls experience responsibility for others through elected and voluntary roles. Becoming an ambassador, running a club, taking on the role of prefect and even Head Girl – these are all roles which give girls a sense of pride, duty and leadership. The Independent Schools Inspectorate describes how our girls “make excellence positive contributions to lives of others within schools and the local and wider communities.”

Allow me to tell you about the incredible opportunities at NGHS.Anna, former Head Girl