Building blocks for learning
Our curriculum
A specialist Early Years qualified teacher leads the Nursery School. She uses her expertise to help the girls begin their exciting learning journey in the very best way. Igniting their creative sparks, making learning fun and engaging girls in specialist activities to improve their skills, our Nursery girls grow in confidence and ability every single day.
Our rich EYFS curriculum
A mixture of self-directed and teacher-led activities prepares girls for a seamless transition into Reception and school life. The teacher-led activities ensure the girls are building their skills in key learning areas, and the self-directed activities help girls to grow their independence and confidence in our safe, nurturing environment. Unique, specialist activities take place in the afternoons, such as Forest Schools and Music, adding a touch of magic to our outstanding curriculum.
The seven areas
Our rich Early Years curriculum is made up of seven important areas, including the three prime areas of Communication and Language; Physical and Personal, Social and Emotional development. These act as the building blocks to learning, ensuring that girls gain the knowledge, skills and confidence to succeed throughout their school life and beyond. Specialist teachers also lead extra activities in Music, Sport, Languages, Food Technology and Forest School on a weekly basis. These activities nurture a sense of adventure, creativity and curiosity, as well as being a huge amount of fun!
Communication and Language
Girls are offered a language rich environment to develop their confidence in expressing themselves. We encourage a love of books, role play and songs, which all enable language, vocabulary and speaking to take-off!
Physical Development
Girls develop their fine and gross motor skills, co-ordination, balance and movement. Both indoor and outdoor learning environments are used to develop this prime area of learning.
Personal, Social and Emotional
We encourage and support girls as they nurture friendships, build social skills and develop emotional literacy so that they can express themselves and manage their emotions.
Books, stories and poems underpin girls’ learning in this area, igniting their interests in a range of subjects. Our excellent lending library ensures that the love of books also extends to the home.
Understanding the World
Being able to explore the world, including our local area, forms an exciting part of our Nursery School. Girls find out about the world and environment we live in, the places and people that live here and the technology available.
Stimulating activities are delivered to develop knowledge of numbers, counting, shapes and patterns. The Independent Schools Inspectorate described our Nursery pupils are showing “clear development of their knowledge of numbers, counting, shapes and patterns, as a result of enjoyable and stimulating activities set by their teachers.”
Expressive Arts and Design
Arts, crafts, music and role play are included in abundance to help girls express themselves, use their imaginations and develop a range of skills while they have lots of fun.

Plan your tailored visit
We would be delighted to welcome you for a tour or a meeting with the Head of Nursery, Infant and Junior School, Laura Fowler, if you would like to find out more. Please contact Lesley Sail on 0119 935 4450.