A dedicated team with expertise in teaching, learning, careers and care

Head, Julie Keller, describes her team of dedicated staff and how proud she is to lead them in the provision of an outstanding education for girls.

My team take their passion to the
highest heights

“There has never been a more important time to educate girls for the future. I’m so proud to lead this school and to be working with the best team you could ever have, to make sure every single NGHS girl has everything she needs to excel. Fantastic academic results, important skills for life, resilience, positivity and a thirst for knowledge are incredibly important, and all of our teachers demonstrate this every single day. That’s why they’re such fantastic role models for our girls.

Every person who works here is trained to support the girls, and everyone is committed to providing the best environment for them to thrive in.”



“The teachers are experts in their field. Going above and beyond teaching the curriculum, my team take their passion to the highest heights, and continually inspire the girls as they share their knowledge and learning, as you can see in the video below featuring our Head of Physics, Colin Aspley.”

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We can push them as far as they want to go.
Colin Aspley, Head of Science

Our careers advice is second to none, and I’m incredibly proud of the individual care and attention we offer every girl as she progresses through the school. Our Level 6 Careers Adviser inspires girls with her programme of talks, workshops and tuition. From helping girls select their GCSE and A Level options, to guiding them through Oxbridge applications and interviews, our Head of Careers helps girls achieve that extraordinary success that we’re so excited to be part of. Well connected across every industry, and drawing on our powerful network of NGHS and GDST alumnae, our expertise ensures that there really are no limits to what our girls can go on to achieve.

And of course I couldn’t talk about my team without mentioning our delightful school dogs, Saffy and Delilah. They are such great members of the school community, bringing joy to all of us, especially the girls.”


Hear from our Assistant Head about
our passionate staff

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Everyone is an expert and that enthuses the girls!
Lindsay Wharton-Howett, Assistant Head

Teaching staff at Nottingham Girls High School are not only experts in their subjects, they’re all experts in girls’ education. Find out more about our Senior teaching staff HERE.

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I learnt that being different is good.
GDST student