Excellent care
A healthy girl is a happy girl is a successful girl – that’s why each and every girl’s wellbeing is so important to us.
Happiness and success
We have the best team possible here at NGHS to support and care for our girls. Our full-time School Nurse has a background in senior management at Great Ormond Street Hospital. She is exceptionally well trained and absolutely dedicated to supporting our girls’ physical and emotional wellbeing.
Teachers and Teaching Assistants know each and every girl personally, and all of our staff are trained in matters concerning health, safety and wellbeing. This ensures that all girls receive excellent care and our whole school community remains healthy and well looked after.
Effective dialogue between home and school is essential and our open door policy invites parents, girls and staff to communicate with each other continually. This is essential in ensuring that the girls’ best interests are always put first.
“Fantastic school! My daughter has loved every minute. She has grown in confidence and has been nurtured.”Junior School Parent
With the right care and support, the girls thrive and succeed.

I love seeing the girls progress up the school.Sally Braud, Year 6 Teacher

Healthy school
Across NGHS we are passionate about inspiring girls about healthy food from Nursery through to the Sixth Form. We have a state-of-the-art dining hall and expert catering staff who cook all meals on site . Nursery and Reception teachers eat lunch with the girls and encourage them to use cutlery correctly and have good table manners.
There is always a wide choice of meals available, including Halal, non-Halal dishes and vegetarian options. You’re able to choose your daughter’s meals with her in advance every week.
We take allergies extremely seriously and have clear processes in place to keep girls safe.